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Home » PortShuttle Rotterdam passes 100,000 TEU mark


Milestones for PortShuttle Rotterdam

PortShuttle was established in 2015 to organize the efficient rail exchange of containers between terminals in the Port of Rotterdam. Linda Borsodi and Martijn Loois are jointly the Managing Directors of PortShuttle Rotterdam.

Borsodi: „In the past, we managed everything in-house with our own shuttle that traveled between the various terminals. Nowadays, we increasingly utilize the available space on trains from partner rail carriers, who often serve multiple terminals as well. We call this the Virtual PortShuttle Concept. Based on this concept, we create a network of exchange opportunities via rail in Rotterdam. Although we occasionally use inland shipping or road transport when necessary. For instance, when containers need to be transferred to empty depots that are not connected to the rail network.“

From three to twenty

The flexibility that such solutions offer has been a significant driver for PortShuttle’s growth. Borsodi: „We ourselves make three round trips per week. But through our partners, we have about 20 services per week at our disposal. That makes all the difference! Thirty percent of the transported volume is exchanged between the various terminals on the Maasvlakte. The remaining seventy percent goes on other routes, mainly from the Rail Service Center Rotterdam to the Maasvlakte and vice versa.“

On behalf of the Virtual PortShuttle Concept, the Rotterdam company also handles the administrative processing of containers entering and leaving the area by rail for rail partners. Together, these various arrangements explain why PortShuttle was able to record a six-figure total in TEU volume for the first time last year.

“Dit jaar hopen we duidelijkheid te krijgen of we wel of niet worden aangewezen als service operator voor de Container Exchange Route (CER) op de Maasvlakte. Dat zou natuurlijk helemaal in lijn zijn met de doelen die we ons bij de oprichting hebben gesteld.”

Linda BorsodiManagement

Coevorden and CER

PortShuttle aims to continue this positive trend in 2021 by expanding the network of rail partners, thereby creating even more exchange capacity and opportunities. „For example, we see the shuttle service from Bentheimer Eisenbahn to the Euroterminal in Coevorden as an interesting addition to our network.“ But the team is also looking further ahead. Borsodi: „This year, we hope to get clarity on whether or not we will be designated as the service operator for the Container Exchange Route (CER) on the Maasvlakte. That would be perfectly in line with the goals we set when we were founded.“


Want to know more?

Linda Borsodi


+31 (0)10 – 600 40 00Send me an email